Be A Professional Joiner

logo-scbwiThe beginning of a New Year also seems like a great time to consider joining a professional organization. A quick Google search will show there are many different professional organizations out there looking for new members for artists, crafters, illustrators, licensing artists, and this list is just a tip of the iceberg. These groups can be local, regional, state, national, or international.

The benefits of becoming a member of a professional organization are numerous, including networking with peers, a wealth of resources and information, professional publications, staying on trend, education and classes, and speaking events. Like any career, staying relevant and connected to like-minded professionals is crucial.

So on that note, I became a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). I have kept an eye on this organization for awhile now, and in keeping with my goal of organizing and ultimately growing my business this 2016, there wasn’t a better time to join. Check out my profile here!

Organizing My New Year!

Junk_Drawer_M_FabianThe start of the New Year is the perfect time to reorganize. Start fresh, from the small projects, like the junk drawer in my kitchen to the not-so-small closets to organizing my art business.

I started 2016 by revisiting my business plan, researching the market, deciding on the areas I want my business to move and grow in, creating a marketing and advertising plan, and deciding what worked in the past and what areas need improvement or a change.

What are you going to organize to start 2016?